Graduation year

2020 / 2021


Bernhard Wurm, Ing. MA. BSc



Fuchs Julian


Allerstorfer Florian

Supervising tutors


Wurm Bernhard

Project description

This thesis examines the possibility of creating a website that can be used to improve and evaluate ones capabilities of Pentesting and ethical hacking. In order to do this we create our own website, with which experienced hackers but also beginners can test and compare themselves. To achieve this, we introduce a point system including a ranking list. The points are distributed according to the time needed or the efficiency of the Users. The tests are divided into individual scenarios, which should represent a web store as realistically as possible. These scenarios each focus on a single specific security vulnerability. The difficulty in setting up a suitable website lies in the fact that all security threads will be tested by Users. Therefore it is crucial to prevent any kind of security vulnerability.